Clone kick

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Clone kick

Postby boxecutor » Mon Jan 05, 2004 7:26 pm


is there a way to kick clones when they join if they are not on the chanserv room access list as a +/%/@!

would like to be able to kick clones but not any that may be clones of servers/op ect.


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Postby Dana » Fri Jan 09, 2004 8:39 am

A lot of the time, a clone will join when a person's first chosen nick is about to ping out/lose their connection to the server.. eg:

[23:49] DaYna ( has joined but is a Clone of Dana «593 people»
[23:50] Dana ( has parted (ping timeout) «592 people»

Both nicks are registered to me, and get op'd .. although only the "Dana" nick is on the chanserv axx list .. they both get opz coz all my nicks are grouped. However, there is quite often a small delay between logging into the channel, and op status, during which time, I'm technically in the channel as a "normal user".. so if there was a script running that kicks clones, my clone would be kicked, possibly repeatedly and ending up being banned, until my first nick times out (yes, I'm getting to a point here, LOL)

The easiest way (I think) to kick clones, if you REALLY REALLY want this option, is to run a bot to protect your channel from clones and mass joins. However, clones and mass joins also happen during netsplits & relinking on unstable servers &/or networks.

The channel I'm in chooses not to kick clones (yes, we use a bot as well as services) but rather to moderate (+m) the main channel so that flooding doesnt occur (I assume this is what you're more concerned about) .. and have another channel for users to chat in/ask questions, which isnt +m'd. If you want your members (ops, hops & voices) to be able to chat freely, you can do as we do, and have a members only channel with a key set so that only those who know the key, are allowed entry (or you could use invite only) .. both of these are chanserv options, and if your network is prone to splits, or becomes unstable for any reason, again, a bot could protect your channel .. you add allowed nicks to the bot's axx list, and any other nick that joins, is kicked.

I guess this doesnt really answer your question, but gives you info to think about.

xXx :D
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Postby Zarkov » Sun Feb 22, 2004 4:15 pm

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