by Riamus » Sat Feb 14, 2004 9:23 pm
Two possibilities: You're either on a network that uses DCC Allow. Type /dccallow +nick and replace nick with the person you want to download from. Or, you can set this by right clicking on their nick and choose DCC nick from the menu, then Grant Temp DCC.
Or second, you are Ignoring certain file types. Go to Ignore in the DCC Options (Alt-O > DCC > Ignore). There is a drop down menu that will say "Ignore only", "Accept only", or "Disabled". You can use any of these, but you must set them up correctly for the file type(s) you want to download. Disabled is simple since it allows anything to be sent to you. With Ignore Only, you will have to make certain the file type you want to download is NOT in the list. With "Accept Only", you have to do the opposite and make sure that any file types you want to download ARE in the list.[/u]
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.