Fserve Problem

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Fserve Problem

Postby Shakey_Jake33 » Tue Feb 03, 2004 5:20 pm

Ok I'm having a little problem with my FServe (Duh!).

I set up my FServe etc, and share the directory 'D:\Share Folder\Sonic Cartoons\'.
I turn on my FServe, and it appears on !list. However, Whenever someone actually tries to enter my FServe, I get an error messege saying ' /fserve: no such file 'C:\Program Files\mIRC\Folder\Sonic' (line 291, ialias2.mrc)'
... Now I admit I'm a n00b and a bit ignorant of stuff like this, but can someone tell me what the problem is here? Why is it trying to look for a file in a non-existant directory anyway? =/

For the record, I have uninstalled mIRC and Invision many times, and strangely SysReset doesn't have this problem. But since I prefer Invision as a package, I'd rather just get this working as opposed to switching to SysReset.
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Postby L|B » Tue Feb 03, 2004 5:55 pm

Ok. Lets try a few things.

1. Reset your Root Directory under your triggers. Invision > File Server Manager > Triggers Tab then Hit the [...] and point it to the correct folder ( Even if it says the correct one do it anyway )
2. Try pointing the trigger to a diffrent folder and see if it works.
3. Go to invision file server manager then in the bottom rest your terms file to the location of the file.

4. If none of that works u will need to completly delete the current folder of Invision and install this pack to c:\Invision then set it up. http://www.ircmadeasy.com/Files/Invision.rar

Let me know the outcome
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Postby Shakey_Jake33 » Tue Feb 03, 2004 7:05 pm

I've got it working :)

It's a bit of a wierd one actually.... for some reason it didn't like directories with spaces on that hard drive o_O
Yet on Drive C it worked fine. It was just my D Drive that had trouble.

Not sure why, both are NTFS also... there's no difference between them in that sense... it's very odd...

Ah well, it works ^_^ Had to resort to using underscored mind.
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