Ok I'm having a little problem with my FServe (Duh!).
I set up my FServe etc, and share the directory 'D:\Share Folder\Sonic Cartoons\'.
I turn on my FServe, and it appears on !list. However, Whenever someone actually tries to enter my FServe, I get an error messege saying ' /fserve: no such file 'C:\Program Files\mIRC\Folder\Sonic' (line 291, ialias2.mrc)'
... Now I admit I'm a n00b and a bit ignorant of stuff like this, but can someone tell me what the problem is here? Why is it trying to look for a file in a non-existant directory anyway? =/
For the record, I have uninstalled mIRC and Invision many times, and strangely SysReset doesn't have this problem. But since I prefer Invision as a package, I'd rather just get this working as opposed to switching to SysReset.