Wondering how to disable addressing people.

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Wondering how to disable addressing people.

Postby viliusdanger » Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:45 pm

D: means you're addressing the person who's name starts with D,its quite annying and it creates this notice type of thing especialty for a person who uses smilies such as :D ect ect anyways if i hold shitft and press D: it will just try and adress the person starting with the name of 1st letter "D"
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Re: Wondering how to disable addressing people.

Postby Riamus » Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:19 am

This has been a shortcut available in Invision for many years. I will look into it as maybe something that can be made optional. For now, you can always use the normal format for smiley (eyes on the left instead of right) and you won't have that problem. Ctrl-Enter should also bypass this.
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