I gave it a try, added the m to a the switches I saw in that alias file, but then it didn't appear to send anything, giving an error like the following in my status window:
DCC Send of <username> to -c: Unable to open file
So apparently I added it places where it shouldn't have been (I added it wherever there was a .dcc send command, and one of them was a .dcc send -c statemen, which I made -cm). Looks like somewhere I changed something that transposed the filename and the nick, making it think the nick was the filename and the -c switch was the destination.
Sorry to ask so many questions, it's just been awhile since I've used Invision, and I really prefer it over other script packs. I want to use this instead of Sysreset, since the only thing I like about Sysreset is the file server script--everything else I find superior in Invision, but my machine doesn't really like having two different instances of mIRC running (and I'd prefer not to have one running for one network and Invision for everything else).
Having said that, I also noticed that on Invision when I send a file it does not preserve the case of the source file, instead making the entire filename lower-case when it sends. Sysreset didn't do this, but I'm not sure where I'd look to find the difference. If I just do a manual DCC Send it doesn't do this (and also gives me the option to minimize a DCC send and not replace spaces with underscores). This may have taken care of the auto-minimizing sends (unchecking the "fill spaces" option definitely made it so the server no longer replaces spaces with underscores), but I'll have to wait until I get these other issues ironed out before I turn it on for awhile to test some more.
Having dug around a bit deeper, I had seen a fix for Sysreset that kind of addressed this issue (
http://sysreset.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.ph ... ec259493b7); it details the variables that can be used in mirc to take the input from the user and match it to a file, then send the file with the correct case. The issue I'm running into seems to be that when doing a dir listing using Invision it makes all of the files lower-case, so a user typing the get command and copying/pasting the filename, the resulting dcc send will be all lower-case. When doing a dir listing in Sysreset the case matches the source files. As a test I manually typed in the file with some upper-case letters and the file I received had those letters capitalized.