File Server Manager Window

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File Server Manager Window

Postby jstar » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:32 am

I have my computer hooked to my 55" tv and when I open the file server manager window I can't get to the save button at the bottom. I have tried screen resolution but I still can't get to it. Anyone have know of a way to resize it or any other ideas? Thanks.
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Re: File Server Manager Window

Postby Riamus » Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:31 am

That window cannot be resized. You would need to get your resolution set to something that works for displaying that window. Try choosing a normal computer monitor resolution even if you can use a higher resolution on the TV. It could be that mIRC doesn't understand extra large resolutions. You might also try a non-wide screen resolution as your TV may not handle wide screen resolutions the same as a computer monitor. You may also need to get a different driver for displaying on the TV. Your current driver may have problems.
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