We are considering changing how the version numbering looks for Invision rather than staying on build 3515 forever. We'd like to see what you think would look the best. We may or may not use the top vote, but we'll take the votes into account when making our final decision.
Please read below for an explanation of the choices. Don't just pick something without reading below or you may not realize possible issues with your choice.
Option 1: Invision 2.0 Build 8501
This is the original option. The build number will increase as time passes. The only "issue" with this option is that in about 15 months, we will be using 5 digit build numbers, such as Invision 2.0 Build 10151. We're all used to the 4 digit builds, so they look natural, but a 5 digit build may look weird. Consider what you think of 5 digit builds before making this choice.
Option 2: Invision 3.0 Build 0115
This option is basically the same as the original, but we increase the version to 3.0 and start the build numbering over. The only "issue" with this option is that most people just say "Invision 3515" rather than "Invision 2.0b 3515", so if they see "0115" or something similar, they are likely to think it's an older version rather than a newer version because they aren't looking at the 3.0 version number. Consider that before making this choice.
Option 3: Invision 3.0.1
This option drops the Builds altogether and starts using just a standard version numbering system. The only "issue" with this is that we're all used to the build numbers and dropping them may look weird. It may also confuse people who don't know if 3.0.1 is newer or older than 3515 because, as with option 2, people don't usually look at the 2.0 part. Consider what you think of how it looks and the possible confusion before making this choice.
Option 4: Other
If you have another option, please let us know by replying with your example. Do *not* just chose this option and not explain your choice. You guys voted on the main site's poll for things without explaining what you wanted so we couldn't really do anything for the top choices. Don't waste your change to be a part of how this script turns out just because you don't want to explain your answer.
NOTE: We will probably still include "Month'Year Release" in the version like we're doing now (such as "November'07 Release") regardless of the choice we make. We think that will help people to figure out if they have the newest version as well as how old it is.
Keep in mind that choosing a 3.0 option rather than a 2.0 option just because you want the number to be bigger so it looks newer isn't a good choice. The version doesn't determine what the script does or how good it is. We could make it 1.0 again and it would still have the same options that it has now. If you want a 3.0 option, that's fine, but please choose it for a valid reason and not just because "bigger is better".