settings on invision have disappeared

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settings on invision have disappeared

Postby Xedrethor » Fri Dec 28, 2007 11:25 am

hi I am unable to serve as all my settings on invision have gone. Can anyone help me Here are some of the error messages i get:
when i click on invision main settings i get * /dialog: 'InvisMain' no such table (line 238, ialias1.mrc)
dcc manager * /dialog: 'DCCManager' no such table
file server * /dialog: 'fileServer' no such table

file server settings ERROR > You didn't set any of the folllowing required items correctly to start the File Server. «MaxSendsTotal & Max Sends Each & MaxQueuesTotal & Max Queues Each & Active Triggers & No Triggers Enabled»
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Re: settings on invision have disappeared

Postby Riamus » Fri Dec 28, 2007 1:53 pm

For some reason, one or more script files for Invision have been unloaded. You can either reinstall Invision, or manually load all of the script files...

To manually reload them, you will need to press Alt-R and make sure you're in the Remotes tab, then go to the File menu and select Load. Go into the folder where you installed Invision and then open System\Remotes\ ... you'll need to load ALL files that are in that folder. Then, go to the Aliases tab and load all files in System\Aliases. Also, if you don't have an Invision menu in your menubar, you'll need to click the Popups tab and load System\Popups.ini.
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.
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