Invision 3515 Monthly Patches (Latest: November'07)

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Invision 3515 Monthly Patches (Latest: November'07)

Postby Riamus » Wed Aug 22, 2007 3:08 pm

The current patch works with all newer versions of mIRC up to and including mIRC 6.3. It may not work with older versions of mIRC prior to version 6.2. It is recommended that you use newer versions of mIRC with Invision.

In order to allow for more time testing the releases, we are planning on making patches every other month now instead of every month. These patches should be applied to Invision 3515 and are newer than Invision 3515-C.

You can download this patch is two forms -- as a full install (includes mIRC and all files), or as an update so you can just overwrite the files in your current 3515 installation.

Remember, do NOT import settings for any upgrade of the script. And, do not install into a directory that has spaces (e.g. C:\Program Files\mIRC\) or you will have problems.

-- Just extract into a new folder and run.
-- Install mIRC first, then install Invision 3515 into that folder. Then extract this into that folder, overwriting all files if asked. Use this on a current install as well, just extract into your current Invision folder.

Note that the second file allows you to keep your current settings. However, for a nice and clean upgrade, the first file is your best choice. It is also best to follow the Installing Invision sticky to guarantee a good install.

If you find any bugs while using this patch, please make sure to let us know which version of Invision you are using when asking for help. This will help us to better help you with your problems and also will help us when we're ready to make a new patch.

Here are the changes in the November'07 patch (you can download the file )...

November 1, 2007

Invision 2 Build 3515 November'07 Release Unofficial Update Pack

This is another update pack put together by Riamus and XMog, with fixes and improvements from the Invision forums and #Invision on

Beta Testers : DJ_Arnaud67

New Features :

* Added a non-silent stop for XDCC similar to Fservs. You can now display a message when stopping your XDCC if you want to.
* Added an option to the Slow Paste from Clipboard. You can now choose to paste while keeping the original spacing (great for pasting ASCII Art or scripts), or paste using the orignal method that automatically split long lines of text across multiple lines.

Bug Fixes :

* Fixed a bug preventing Server Notices from appearing when setting Notices to appear in all common channels.
* Fixed a bug preventing adding multiple users to the User List at the same time -- * /if: '!=$' unknown operator (line 111, ialias2.mrc)
* Fixed a bug preventing the Fserv to remain paused after reconnecting.
* Fixed a bug that caused an error when you have someone set to auto-op or auto-voice and they part the channel shortly after joining it.
* Fixed the kick messages so that colored reasons don't mess up the color of the parentheses.
* Fixed a typo in the active help for the new tray tips.
* Fixed a bug that prevented the automatic unbanning of a nick that had a vhost when using the Kick/Ban w/ Ban Time and Msg.

Changes :

* Made some changes to how the OS and other information is displayed to improve how it works and looks for users.
* Changed how saving works to help prevent issues with settings being saved.
* Changed the "Failed to Receive" message so that it includes the time.
* Changed the default path to the WinAmp plugin so it will work for WinAmp 5. This change only affects *FULL* installs, not updates.
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.
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