Customize command for file server anti idle?

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Customize command for file server anti idle?

Postby jpnn80 » Tue Feb 28, 2006 3:27 pm

Invision uses the command "queues" on a file server to prevent being seen as idle. The problem is some fserv have more than 100 queues, so it takes time and cpu resources to display all of them each time invision request their list !
So I was wondering how could I change the command to do "sends" instead ?
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Postby Riamus » Wed Mar 01, 2006 1:17 pm

Why would you even want to idle anyhow? There is no reason to do so. Once you queue a file, you can close the fserv and you'll still get the file. Staying on the fserv only prevents others from getting on (depending how many are allowed on at once).

Yes, I know Invision can do it... but why do it?
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Postby jpnn80 » Mon Mar 06, 2006 1:38 pm

You say there is no reason to do so, then it implies that invision's author lost his time to develop a useless function. Isn't it a lack of respect for his work?
Maybe I'm going too far in my interpretation, but it's a consequence of how far you went in the opposite direction with your statement, as just because in your opinion there is no need this function, it seems like you're saying you can't be wrong, and so that everybody should think the same way. Isn't it too presumptuous or autoritary?

But I guess from your point of view you didn't mean any harm, and the main reason why you asked questions like an inquisitor is because you thought anybody doing anti-idle is a camper. And you mistook me for one of those people who selfishly prevents other users to queue in order to keep getting files all the times, isn't it?

Well let me explain my situation: the fserv I'm queuing files from has 180 queues, with a total of 30 per user, and allows 3 sends at once, 1 per user, and chat connections with 2 users at the same time.
So I don't have any use to keep camping after I reached the limited total number of 30 queues, as it takes a long time to send the files for all the 180 queues, and I can't spend all day in front of my pc as I have studies and work to do! Moreover it's not possible for me to camp and trying to prevent another user to get access to the fserv, as he can queue a file anytime when I'm connected.

The only times I'm doing anti idle is when I see that the current sends of other users are finished in some minutes, and I still haven't used all my 30 queue slots, which I was given the right to have by the fserv owner. What's wrong with waiting for my turn to have them?
Moreover it saves me time to stay connected in the same folder where the files I want to queue are, as each time the chat session with the fserv is finished, I have to input commands and go through the whole path to this folder again.

So I hope that my torough explanation made my reasons clearer for you now, and that somebody could help me in my case, just like you've already done for all the other users this forum.
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Postby Riamus » Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:59 pm

Considering that I've supported users of this script for years and I get nothing out of it, I think you do go too far in your interpretation. And, an opinion can't be wrong. Nowhere did I say that people can't have other opinions. So try not to say I said/meant something that I obviously did not. Some things added to a script aren't always good. Note that Invision also has a anti-camp/anti-idle ability as well.

Regardless, let's look at it this way... If I'm the person with the fserv, I set it to have X queues per person and X total queues, as well as X sends per person and X sends total, and X users online at once. I set these numbers because they have a meaning for what works best with my connection. I am being kind enough to offer freely a bunch of files to people and I get nothing in return. If I have one or two people idling on my fserv so that others can't get on, then it prevents me from giving files to everyone. This is the case even if you're just waiting for a queue spot to open up. As such, you would be permanently banned from my fserv if I caught you.

People set the number of queues/sends/onlines based on what their connection can handle and so that everyone has a chance to get files. Why not set the total queues to 9999? Obviously, the server has a desire to keep it smaller for some reason and I believe that you should accept it as such. You can always ask the server to increase it or to ask why he has such a limit.

Consider that most downloads of any size (you are speaking of 30+ queues, so you are talking about large files) are illegal downloads. I won't say anything about whether you should be downloading such things and perhaps you are just downloading a bunch of pictures and not anything illegal, but consider that if you are downloading anything that you should be paying for, then you are avoiding paying money to get those things. A little time spent trying to get them is not too much to ask when you don't have to pay for them. If you're really in that much of a hurry, try using XDCC as the files are whole there and not in small pieces.

I usually do help people out with things, but in this case, I believe the servers have the right to prevent people from doing what you're asking by setting those limits. So, I can't offer you help to bypass what each server chooses to allow. Personally, I allow only 5 queues per person... you'd really not like that. I also have mine set up so that you cannot stay on past 5 minutes no matter what you're typing.

Basically, I have to just leave it at this... Ask the server if s/he can increase the queue limit to something that may be more reasonable. If s/he will not, then there is a reason and it would not be appropriate for me to help you to get around what s/he is trying to set as the rules for the fserv.

I'm sorry if you disagree with me about your rights as a downloader. Maybe someone else will be willing to tell you how to do that. Just keep in mind that just about any server who found out you were idling for any reason like that would ban you for it. Servers don't like people doing that.
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