Editing Uptime and COLORS

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Editing Uptime and COLORS

Postby l33tissw00t » Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:35 am

first... u guys r0x



1) Is there a way to "cheat" and edit a certain file for your uptime...

2) How would i write DAN underlined and RED.

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Postby [slider] » Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:59 pm

answer to question 2 is ctrl button and u then ctrl and k
choose number 4 then type DAN
will appear like DAN
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Postby l33tissw00t » Sun Aug 24, 2003 10:31 am


Now only question 1 left :-)

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Postby l33tissw00t » Tue Aug 26, 2003 11:29 am

OK, so, how do i edit Uptime... (cheat)
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Hmm... Why?

Postby JelloMan » Tue Aug 26, 2003 4:05 pm

Just out of curiousity why would you want to "cheat" your uptime?
I am assuming you want a higher number so you can brag about how you got your machine up for so long.... If that is the case why not just leave it running for awhile?

If you want a lower number you could always format and install windows again... :)

If I'm right with you wanting a higher uptime consider this.... Windows is known to be unstable... Even when its up for awhile it still sucks because of all the memory issues and such. If you want to brag about uptime just setup a OpenBSD machine, throw it in your closet, and let it run for a couple years...

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Postby l33tissw00t » Wed Aug 27, 2003 7:34 am

LoL, not really...

The reason why though is...

I don't leave my computer on overnight, but i did once, and then, i had to reinstall invision, and i lost the uptime.., and i want to put it back.

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Postby Agent0056 » Wed Apr 27, 2005 9:44 am

I've got nearly the same "problem". My record uptime is 3 weeks, 3 days etc.. Now my Invision is totally messed up (this happens about every 6-12 months :( Even if it didn't crash before), now I have to reinstall it and want to put that uptime in again....and I don't think Windows will make it again so far :D
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Postby Riamus » Wed Apr 27, 2005 11:25 am


/w.glob Invision UTRecord time

Replace "time" with the number of seconds your record is.

To find out how many seconds, use:

//echo -a $calc((604800*WKS)+(86400*DAYS)+(3600*HOURS)+(60*MINS)+SECS)

Replace the red with the correct numbers for each item.

Btw, my record is 7 wks, 4 days... and I rebooted so I could install some hardware. XP is very stable even on a gaming system where I install and uninstall stuff constantly. :D
You can find me at #Invision on irc.irchighway.net or #OldGames on irc.undernet.org if you need me for anything.
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Postby Agent0056 » Thu Apr 28, 2005 9:27 am

Yeah, thx :) I'll try.

Btw.: WinXP is really stable compared to its previous versions. I rebooted after that 24 days manually, but I didn't had to. Just Firefox was kind of messed up, because I started a new installation and closed it immediately, but since then it didn't run anymore before a reboot.
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